Bill’s background is in the business of raising capital, and helping companies all over the country raise money for their ventures. While Bill has experience assisting manufacturers to raise money, ISC is Bill’s first full ownership of a manufacturing company, an endeavor that he describes as being more challenging than he expected. Recognizing these challenges has resulted in Bill’s newfound respect for the challenging work that happens in the industry.
Bill, who is married with two grown kids, two grandchildren, and a third on the way, was born in Yakima, WA, then moved to Texas with his family when he was four years old. “I’m not a true native Texan,” Bill jokes, “but I’m pretty close.”
After graduating from high school, Bill went to university at Dallas Baptist University on baseball and academic scholarships. “My family didn’t have money to send me to school. It was either go on scholarship or do something else.”
Since ISC is not Bill’s only business venture, his spare time is limited. In the small amount of spare time that he does have, Bill enjoys visiting his mountain home and clearing his mind while running and hiking.
When asked about ISC’s trajectory, Bill shares that “the vision is to continue to develop the company.” Describing ISC as a company that has been around a long time, he values that people recognize the ISC name and the importance of the loyal customer base they have created. Part of Bill’s vision for ISC is to improve how ISC delivers products, ensuring that the quality of their products is second-to-none and that the delivery time for products to customers is improved. Bill also teases that there are some “things in the works in terms of new equipment” that will allow ISC to build products more efficiently and more consistently.
As for his team, Bill is clearly excited about the people he gets to work with. “They are good, sharp, hard-working people.” Joking that in the past, employees used to want to run out the door when the work day ended, “now we have a team full of people who have the attitude of ‘whatever it takes,’ which in this day and time is the attitude you need to have.” Also, due to the fact that so many competitor companies have people in charge who are nearing retirement age, ISC has taken advantage of the opportunity to hire a younger workforce that is open to developing their experience, growing, and providing innovative solutions.
When recommending some of the books that have influenced him as a business owner, Bill mentions Shoe Dog, the memoir written by Nike’s creator, and Steve Jobs’ biography, both of which speak to knowing when you have a good idea and sticking with that idea, recognizing that if something is going to be great, then you have to be proactive about making it happen. Also, despite recent events, Bill describes how reading about Elon Musk’s innovation and development of state-of-the-art products has taught him not to settle for what is but to always reach for what can be, striving to make things better on the way.
Bill truly has a passion for what he does, and for the vision that he has for the future of ISC. “I honestly enjoy working. I like to take time off to recharge so that I can go back to work. I like the competition of business. Every day is tough, but that’s what makes it fun.”